This is a common essay topic for kids to write in school, even though I do not remember writing anything on that during my school days.
We spoke about it this afternoon over a simple family lunch. We went to Tung Lok Signature to celebrate my sister 21st birthday and Mother's Day for Ah Ma. My aunt remembered fondly that how much I wanted to be a lawyer when I was young, and what inspired me to do that was after watching a drama series which Fann Wong acted as a lawyer many years ago.
I have soon realised I was cut out not to be a lawyer. I was not good in debating and I was not as proficient in English as I was in Chinese. Hence, I dropped that idea. When I grew older, I told myself I wanted to be a successful executive that has climbed to the top of the corporate ladder. It did not matter which industry I would be in, because I just want to look sharp and chic in that sleek business suit and killer heels.
Yet, that idea slowly died off as I entered Junior College. I then decided to pursue my interests to be an anchorwoman with Mediacorp. I mentioned numerous times in front of some my classmates that I was very keen to do something related to mass communication and I wanted to appear on TV, hence broadcasting news on the peak 1/2 hour was a neat idea.
However, I was very shocked when I failed my A level Chinese and it has thus dawned to me that I was neither good in my mother tongue.
Hence, I told myself that I must work doubly hard to prove my worth when I was completing my degree in SIM so I could work for the middle office in a foreign bank and be paid highly. Well, it turned out that I am currently working in a customer centre environment of a local bank sans the high pay. My results were too mediocre and I did not have much credentials that I could be proud of.
It was a casual topic, but it highlighted to me that either ambitions will never stay constant or I am too fickle-minded. What is more important that the current job gives you a sense of accomplishment and it has served you well be it financially or physically. This is what they call contentment, aren't they?
I am toying with the idea of switching to journalism. Thus, my baby steps are to set up an interesting blog before venturing into newspaper or any form of media.
Reported by fufu, anyone? Haha
Later... ....
Happy are they who take life day by day, complain very little, and are thankful for the little things in life.- The Notebook
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