Monday, April 30, 2012

Thank you Taipei (Taiwan) April 2012

I returned from Taipei last night. It was my second trip to Taiwan and it has been a fruitful journey. My first trip was filled with a little tiredness and confusion as I was not familiar with the destination and I did not want my beloved grams and aunt to waste their time waiting for me to search for directions. Pressure came from not doing enough itinerary! I went with Ali and his parents last week and it was better because I became confident to roam around Taipei from the experience last year. Moreover, guys are generally better in their sense of directions and I am very thankful to have a "human compass".

I salute the Taiwanese's gung-ho attitude towards life. They do not mind the pain and are willing to make ends meet by working harder. You could see push-carts along the streets selling food and trinkets. They also have a variety of snacks and competition is everywhere. It was their warm service that differentiate them. What I enjoyed most was the days in the outskirt of Taipei where you can have some time to yourself without disturbance from the city. I do not deny that due to economy, some places had been commercialised. I am hoping that as the country progress there would be still be some natural enclaves for travelers to let their hair down. 

I enjoyed the variety of food too. Fruits were exceptionally fresh and sweet especially the mangoes, pink guavas and strawberries.  However, I am still unable to accept smelly tofu. Probably I do not really have the guts to try, even Ali loves it. I also love how efficient the MRT in Taipei is. Short waiting time and the crowds dispersed rather fast in a orderly manner.

I will pen down the itinerary for the 6 days we spent in subsequent entries and I hope it helps in giving some informations. Do share with me and the rest of the readers if you have more details.

Once again, Thank you Taipei, you have been great. Thank you Ali for the kind sponsor too.
                                                                        At Ulay (乌来)

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