Monday, April 30, 2012
Thank you Taipei (Taiwan) April 2012
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
E-statements, Yay or Nay? (edited on 22/04/2012)
What are e-statements? e-Statements is a free service that displays your bank account/credit cards statements within online banking. You can, at your convenience, easily view, print and download your statement. I signed up when I submitted my application for one of the credit cards to citi-that-never-sleeps.
I liked the initiative. Many banks are promoting the use of such service. It is environmentally friendly, and easy to use. One just has to log in to the banks' internet banking and the banking transactions are available at a glance. Besides, it is a great way to lower exposure to identity theft, reduce clutter and get organized. However, I started having doubts when I made a mess out of my bills.
I do not use internet banking often (unless you are referring to work but that would be another story).As such, whenever the bank uploads the bills online, I often miss the payment due date and incur the interests and late charges.
I have to garner my courage to call up the banks to request for waivers. Consumers usually try to avoid calling the hotlines as they would not want to be put on hold for too long, especially when you are not a priority banking customer. After pressing the numerous options on the automated system, you have to wait for a while until the greetings from a sweet and friendly customer service officer startled you from your sleepy mode.
It was a difficult experience for me. The requests to waive off the charges are different from other requests like annual fee and banking services. My first attempt was rather easy though. I informed the customer service officer that it was really unintentional and I convinced him with my next course of action to prevent such incident from happening again. It was the second time that I felt a little embarrassed because I was not able to deliver what I promised. And I could not say that it was not on purpose again as I should have learned my lesson.
There are many ways to conserve the environment, such as the other Rs like recycle and reuse. I will continue to give my support in other means but at this moment, I would still love to receive mails sealed in white envelopes that stamped private and confidential. I would prefer my credit records to be clean and tidy. :)
p.s I received a letter from my employer few days ago whom informed me that they decided to automatically enroll all my eligible accounts and cards onto e-statements platform. I logged in to the internet banking and cancelled the services. Sorry boss, next time perhaps.
Sunday, April 15, 2012
To Sister Ee, Happy Birthday and Happy Marriage
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Happy Birthday Ali (Brotzeit 313 Somerset)
It turned out to be a good decision and we enjoyed ourselves. Fortunately, there was a table for two and it was a good place to people-watch in this Alfresco restaurant. It was windy too, probably due to the fact it was evening.
We did not try the pork knuckles. The portion was rather big according to some reviews online and since both of us aren't big eaters, we had skipped that. However, german beers were not to be missed!
The unadventurous Ali ordered Hot chocolate cake with ice cream to end off our dinner. I very much wanted to try their apple strudel but well, since it was the birthday boy's wish, the cake would mark a good ending yesterday.
Once again, Happy Birdday Ali!
Sorry, the photos are taken via iPhone and was filtered with Apps because we were too lazy to bring any camera out.
And you can refer to the links below for reference.
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Figuring out.
I am still trying to figure out on the mechanics. Soon...!